Hi, people! I'mIsnandar Fajar Pangestu

Call me Fajar

"An Imperfect human seeking knowledge in the field of IT."

Contact Me

About Me

Let's get to know me!

I am a graduate of Diploma 3 in Computer Engineering, Vocational Faculty, Brawijaya University, who is currently continuing my Diploma 4 majoring in Informatics Engineering, Informatics And Computer Engineering Department, Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya.

That is all and thank you.

My Social Media

If you want to connect with me, follow my social media!



Below are some of the internship experiences I have participated in.

Web Programmer

PT Arkatama Multi Solusindo

Develop tracer study applications and billing internet providers

Aug 2021 - Jul 2022


Back End Engineer

PT Kasir Pintar Internasional

Develop Transaction Crawler Feature from One of the National Banks and RESTful API Microservice for a Messaging Application

May 2023 - Nov 2023



Developed Apps

Here are some applications that I have developed.

Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan

A web app that functions to manage books, book categories, borrowing, students, and library officers.

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A web app that is useful for managing articles, culinary, and activities related to Ramadan.

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Madiun Cullinary

Madiun Cullinary (Macull AE), an Android app that functions as a place to collect data related to culinary in the city of Madiun.

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Simple Calculator

A simple calculator application based on Flutter that uses Provider state management.

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Semaphore Translator

FastAPI as server side to translate semaphore images into alphabet and flutter app as client side GitHub Server Side GitHub Client Side